Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Lifetime ( a duet)

Boy: I never thought there was such a thing as love,
but when I first looked in your eyes,
something new arose,
now I'm hypnotized,
and I don't care

Girl:I was so alone,
I never in my wildest dreams,
could ever think,
love could happen to me,
but in your arms,
I feel something deep,

Chorus (in which both sing):
And loving you,
all my dreams came true,
I can't imagine myself without you,
I could swim in your eyes,
I want a lifetime of you.

You are the most beautiful thing,
to to have you in my life,
is a gift from above,
never has another loved me so,
never let me go

tender words and giddy hearts,
a feeling so sweet,
it's nice to love another,
the way you love me,
I wish to be forever


I'll love you you longer than the stars,
of which we watch every night,
because you've awaken my soul


Boy: I want

Girl: Oh I want

I want a lifetime of you

*Whatcha think?*

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Never alone (written last night)

I walk,
trying to not let the past rule over,
the pain consuming,
but I'll endure,
a Stronger force shines through,
so I'll pick myself off the ground,
weary no more.

Others scoff,
saying I can't go on,
trying to feed my doubt,
but He tells me no,
that is not so,

Grace leads me,
hope guides me,
love endures,
pain shuns,
doubt ensues no more,
devil be gone!

For faith leads me on,
He endures,
the evil is gone,
his snares fade,

Love endures,
faith endures,
so I walk,
head high,
never alone

A poem in memory of Sam Safotu aka a ripple in the water

A ripple in the water,
a member of the body of Christ gone,
but cry not friends,
he is in our hearts,
even for those who knew him not,
and in heaven,

long life to live,
plenty to give,
but you will not be forgotten,
you'll live on,

A ripple in the water.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Cupid, be gone!

Cupid, you wing'd fool,
you convinced me,
love was real,
but you don't shoot straight,
messing with love,
you imp,
you laugh and mock,

Is this all for your pleasure?
Make love seem there,
but never it 'twas,
break the heart,
or are these short-lived loves meant to lead,
to the real thing?

Cupid, archer who wounds the heart,
the target of foolish game,
see what wrenches we are?
I see your scharade,
God curse thee,
you wrenched imp!

Cupid, be gone!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Journey (written April 26)

Hope guides us through the roads of life,
and it may be a rough foundation,
but hope guides us even the hardest and cruelest of times,
if we look up,
broken relationships, hard times,
they make us stumble,
but look to the skies,

These road blocks strengthen us,
even though it all seems dismal,
We learn from our past,
but we must tread,
this road ahead,
for it leads to brighter glories,
brighter futures,

So look not down in weariness at the past,
but turn forward,
let hope, courage, faith lead you on,
in this road of life,
on your journey,
God is watching,
He gives us hope,
turn your eyes,
to the skies,

On this road,
it is your journey,
remember who you are,
the good times and the bad,
hopeless and sad,
it is your story,
your journey