* I'm doing ok in school, one class is kicking my butt. But I'm going to keep my head high and fight to pass!
* I hit Florida to visit my sister who goes to Stetson law and family. We went to the beach, my sisters, soon brother-in-law and dad went jet skiing while my mom and I sat on the shore, went to Pirates vs Braves spring training game, hung with family, and went to DisneyWorld's Epcot.
* 50's carnival.
* Willy came and visited a few Thursdays ago, and we hung out, played ultimate frisbee and threw my football around, not to mention goofed off as usual. He's amazing!
* DJ Robadobdob was my first co-host this semester and was so much fun to have on the show! You know him as Robert Hall.
*Went to Julianne Johnson's St. Patty's party, it was pretty fun. Friends, fun and music.
* Went on Spring retreat. WHAT A BLAST! You can read more about it in my last two blogs.
* I was in a film I didn't write the script for! It was Krechen Klein's senior reel. I was a clueless girl who's vocab mainly consists of "totally" and "like". Zoey did make a funny joke about Belguim waffles.
That's all for now folks!!!