-Watch how much I spend.
-Focus on God until He sees fit to put a man in my life.
- Think before saying/doing.
- To find work for the summer and make a decent amount.
-Study more, play less.
- Make some new friends, particularly girls when my roommate is not around, and keep the old for a long time!
- Continually show my friends/family what blessings they show me.
-Praise God for everything, even amidst the worse of times, tragicomic hope.
- Be a women of action, and help others that need help in many different ways.
- Be a good employee, daughter, sister, friend, student, roommate, child/sister of God and everything God wants me to be.
-Straight As.
-Exercise more, eat less, healthier.
-Publish a few poems.
-Improve my singing.
-Take care of diabetes, etc.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Wish
On this day Your birth,
You were chosen to save the world,
a sweet little babe,
wrapped in strips of white,
You could have chosen a easier way out,
but You knew on Mary's lap,
Great news 'twas foretold,
to poor and rich alike,
You brought hope into our lives,
years later,
then sent above,
a ray of sunshine,
in our still darkened hearts,
Cleanse me once again,
with Your blood,
born again,
my Christmas wish,
make me the greatness who everyone sees in me,
who I'm meant to be,
in You
take my heart,
heal it,
may the past be wiped away,
my Christmas wish.
You were chosen to save the world,
a sweet little babe,
wrapped in strips of white,
You could have chosen a easier way out,
but You knew on Mary's lap,
Great news 'twas foretold,
to poor and rich alike,
You brought hope into our lives,
years later,
then sent above,
a ray of sunshine,
in our still darkened hearts,
Cleanse me once again,
with Your blood,
born again,
my Christmas wish,
make me the greatness who everyone sees in me,
who I'm meant to be,
in You
take my heart,
heal it,
may the past be wiped away,
my Christmas wish.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Mirror on the inside
Beauty is vain,
beauty is pain,
I don't want to be the social norm,
I just want to be reborn,
through Christ filled with grace,
He who saved the human race,
I'm more than a pretty face,
Humanity can't tell me,
who I'm meant and need to be,
can't you look beyond skin,
and find other's beauty within,
I defy all boundaries,
God gives me these remedies,
Beauty is vain,
beauty is pain.
beauty is pain,
I don't want to be the social norm,
I just want to be reborn,
through Christ filled with grace,
He who saved the human race,
I'm more than a pretty face,
Humanity can't tell me,
who I'm meant and need to be,
can't you look beyond skin,
and find other's beauty within,
I defy all boundaries,
God gives me these remedies,
Beauty is vain,
beauty is pain.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Notice Me
You know I'm here,
you acknowledge me,
and make promises,
yet you don't seem to come through,
you have long since forgotten,
I wish you could see the hurt in my eyes,
listen to what I say,
you're changing too fast,
and I'm not,
though I'm trying to change for you,
can't you see,
you know I'm here,
can't you tell,
how I care,
notice me,
I'm trying to move on,
be strong,
make new friends,
but I'm insecure,
and I miss you,
or the way things were,
you're changing too fast,
and I'm not,
though I'm trying to change for you,
can't you see,
you know I'm here,
can't you tell,
how I care,
notice me,
I'm sick of the drama,
of everyone in our life,
because it's all we talk about,
where are the good times,
we used to have,
you say I'm a good friend,
but I can't see that anymore,
I'm trying,
can you find time for me,
you're changing too fast,
and I'm not,
though I'm trying to change for you,
can't you see,
you know I'm here,
can't you tell,
how I care,
notice me,
I'm glad you have him,
and you like to hang out with our good friend,
but I feel pushed aside,
out of the loop,
please don't leave me out,
let in me,
I need you,
you're changing too fast,
and I'm not,
though I'm trying to change for you,
can't you see,
you know I'm here,
can't you tell,
how I care,
notice me!
Why won't you notice me?
you acknowledge me,
and make promises,
yet you don't seem to come through,
you have long since forgotten,
I wish you could see the hurt in my eyes,
listen to what I say,
you're changing too fast,
and I'm not,
though I'm trying to change for you,
can't you see,
you know I'm here,
can't you tell,
how I care,
notice me,
I'm trying to move on,
be strong,
make new friends,
but I'm insecure,
and I miss you,
or the way things were,
you're changing too fast,
and I'm not,
though I'm trying to change for you,
can't you see,
you know I'm here,
can't you tell,
how I care,
notice me,
I'm sick of the drama,
of everyone in our life,
because it's all we talk about,
where are the good times,
we used to have,
you say I'm a good friend,
but I can't see that anymore,
I'm trying,
can you find time for me,
you're changing too fast,
and I'm not,
though I'm trying to change for you,
can't you see,
you know I'm here,
can't you tell,
how I care,
notice me,
I'm glad you have him,
and you like to hang out with our good friend,
but I feel pushed aside,
out of the loop,
please don't leave me out,
let in me,
I need you,
you're changing too fast,
and I'm not,
though I'm trying to change for you,
can't you see,
you know I'm here,
can't you tell,
how I care,
notice me!
Why won't you notice me?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wow! Crazyness, too long!
I have not updated on myself in a while!
-I am deciding whether to be a bon team leader, chaplain or RA, and leaning on RAing either Penn or Le Shanna or Coffin. But my mom won't probably approve, stupid diabetes, and the backpacking trip might kill me, darn diabetes!!!!
-I have three Christmas concerts this weekend.
- I am going to the swing dance with the amazing Alex Post wick-a-wick-a word! Back to the Berg baby! *Inside joke*
- I am having a lot of spiritual battles ranging in me, they're calming, with friends, and family stuff.
-Tomorrow we are shooting a two scene dramatic reading of Hamlet with an AMAZING cast and crew!!! Heck yeah!!!
-Week and a half, then Medford! I miss thee Medford!
-Still single,.... as always. But married. Guess who to.
-I am not going to be in Women's chorale next semester, and it's hard.
-Gabby my dog had puppies in the very end of October and they are soooo adorable!
-I'm making a ton of new friends and strengthening the bonds with my older friends.
- I'm discovering myself, very slowly.
- I am planning to start several service projects.
-I am deciding whether to be a bon team leader, chaplain or RA, and leaning on RAing either Penn or Le Shanna or Coffin. But my mom won't probably approve, stupid diabetes, and the backpacking trip might kill me, darn diabetes!!!!
-I have three Christmas concerts this weekend.
- I am going to the swing dance with the amazing Alex Post wick-a-wick-a word! Back to the Berg baby! *Inside joke*
- I am having a lot of spiritual battles ranging in me, they're calming, with friends, and family stuff.
-Tomorrow we are shooting a two scene dramatic reading of Hamlet with an AMAZING cast and crew!!! Heck yeah!!!
-Week and a half, then Medford! I miss thee Medford!
-Still single,.... as always. But married. Guess who to.
-I am not going to be in Women's chorale next semester, and it's hard.
-Gabby my dog had puppies in the very end of October and they are soooo adorable!
-I'm making a ton of new friends and strengthening the bonds with my older friends.
- I'm discovering myself, very slowly.
- I am planning to start several service projects.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Children of God- The first, and the last....
"And behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last." Luke 13:30
We are all God's children, or so we are taught. Yet, we are not treated as such by people who claim to be Christians. Disclaimer: I am not bashing Christians, I am one, but yet, even if we don't speak judgment, we all judge, and the worse thing is, when we don't regret judging others, and show our judging. I am very sorry to say sometimes I'm prone to it, but I regret even thoughts of it. Someone who has a social status, race, background, etc. are different, but only different than us in that stance. We often fail to realize that while, as I said in the last sentence, we are different in that aspect, yet people judge those things beyond just those difference, stereotyping and being prejudice or racist.
So, children of God, or "that black person" or "that diabetic" or "that blind person"? The African American (I don't prefer the term "black" but I am referring to the language used by those around use), diabetic, and blind person may have different physical or race differences, but look beyond that. Something Tarzan taught me, (yes, the disney version), you remember when Tarzan is upset about not being ape-like as a kid? Kala, his ape mother, asks him what he sees that is the same, he says ears, eyes and she shows him her hands. She then asks him to close his eyes and puts his hand on his heart, asking, "What do you feel?" "My heart." That is a very in-depth look at how all creation is alike. We all have hopes, dreams, suffering, and a God who loves us, regardless of who we are and where we come from.
Lately, a lot of stories of projects done for the homeless have reached my ears and within all of them, I noticed how much rejection they get these days. Mike Yankoski today told us, when talking about Sam and his 5 month(or weeks) living homeless, how people in Quiznos and church, people seeming to be Christian ignored them, and the irony at the church the homeless director was the one at the begginning who told them to leave, and at that church one day a week homeless were allowed (or something like that)! And also, my good pals Ryan and Steven did an amazing documentary where they lived as homeless in Portland for a week, and then, hearing of their video, a local pastor asked them to come in his church secretly dressed as homeless and see how his congregation reacts. Typical thing, Ryan and Steven are rejected.
I think Ryan spoke of one kind person. Then they found out they weren't homeless, and felt shame, and shared food, and they shared their video. It would be wonderful if it hadn't been for the shame finding out they weren't homeless, and treated them poorly. They should have been shameful because of the way they were treated as homeless, what would have happened if they never found out how they weren't homeless, how they would have been treated. THE PEOPLE, MY GOOD FRIENDS, MIKE AND SAM, WERE REJECTED FROM THE CHURCH, THE HOUSE OF GOD!!! Homeless are rejected all the time, but they need God, and we should readily welcome them into the church, for they ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD, EVERYONE IS!!! So what if they only come for food? They are merely trying to survive! And they need help. Yet rejection is what they get.
The church you would expect to welcome them due to Christ's teachings, for Jesus would readily accept them, why can't we? I was angered to hear Ryan tell us they were getting "You need to leave." when he told us about it at lunch or dinner. We are taught to love one another, God's children. He loves us all the same, nothing changes his love, yet why can't we love one another?
I challege you to:
1. Love everyone as Christ loves them regardless of the little things like stature, health and race.
1 Corinthians 12:13
2. To not judge one another, and get to know them before you can justify your judgment.
Romans 15:7, Matthew 7:1-6
3. Donate, get out there and fight for something that needs change, and don't be afraid, God will help.
2 Thessalonians 3:13
4. As far as what to do for homeless, my parents and my friends' video, is don't give them money, for they might use it for bad stuff, so buy them a meal, scarves, gloves, and other necessities. Serve at a food kitchen or donate to food kitchens and other such organizations that support the homeless. Talk to those on the street, let them know you care, and be polite. If they are unfriendly, it's ok to back off, but they will most likely still be affected positively even if they don't know it because you showed kindness. John 13:35
Don't be afraid to notice them. Just don't stare, or take pictures, very offensive. I don't look at them so I can't offend them. I also usually have money, or trust how they'd use it, nor have time to buy food, and I feel like crud. But I'm done not helping, and guilty of my thoughts.
Children of God... we are Children of God.
To close, here is an impactful verse and two videos/songs by Underoath (the only song with very little metal in there, yet still powerful) to prove this and many other powerful yet true messages.
''Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering plate box, and He saw a poor widow put in two copper coins. And He said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed from their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on."
Plus, this is really metal, but a wonderful one also is A Love So Pure.
I love you all my brothers and sisters in Christ,
God bless,
Kimberly Zerkel
We are all God's children, or so we are taught. Yet, we are not treated as such by people who claim to be Christians. Disclaimer: I am not bashing Christians, I am one, but yet, even if we don't speak judgment, we all judge, and the worse thing is, when we don't regret judging others, and show our judging. I am very sorry to say sometimes I'm prone to it, but I regret even thoughts of it. Someone who has a social status, race, background, etc. are different, but only different than us in that stance. We often fail to realize that while, as I said in the last sentence, we are different in that aspect, yet people judge those things beyond just those difference, stereotyping and being prejudice or racist.
So, children of God, or "that black person" or "that diabetic" or "that blind person"? The African American (I don't prefer the term "black" but I am referring to the language used by those around use), diabetic, and blind person may have different physical or race differences, but look beyond that. Something Tarzan taught me, (yes, the disney version), you remember when Tarzan is upset about not being ape-like as a kid? Kala, his ape mother, asks him what he sees that is the same, he says ears, eyes and she shows him her hands. She then asks him to close his eyes and puts his hand on his heart, asking, "What do you feel?" "My heart." That is a very in-depth look at how all creation is alike. We all have hopes, dreams, suffering, and a God who loves us, regardless of who we are and where we come from.
Lately, a lot of stories of projects done for the homeless have reached my ears and within all of them, I noticed how much rejection they get these days. Mike Yankoski today told us, when talking about Sam and his 5 month(or weeks) living homeless, how people in Quiznos and church, people seeming to be Christian ignored them, and the irony at the church the homeless director was the one at the begginning who told them to leave, and at that church one day a week homeless were allowed (or something like that)! And also, my good pals Ryan and Steven did an amazing documentary where they lived as homeless in Portland for a week, and then, hearing of their video, a local pastor asked them to come in his church secretly dressed as homeless and see how his congregation reacts. Typical thing, Ryan and Steven are rejected.
I think Ryan spoke of one kind person. Then they found out they weren't homeless, and felt shame, and shared food, and they shared their video. It would be wonderful if it hadn't been for the shame finding out they weren't homeless, and treated them poorly. They should have been shameful because of the way they were treated as homeless, what would have happened if they never found out how they weren't homeless, how they would have been treated. THE PEOPLE, MY GOOD FRIENDS, MIKE AND SAM, WERE REJECTED FROM THE CHURCH, THE HOUSE OF GOD!!! Homeless are rejected all the time, but they need God, and we should readily welcome them into the church, for they ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD, EVERYONE IS!!! So what if they only come for food? They are merely trying to survive! And they need help. Yet rejection is what they get.
The church you would expect to welcome them due to Christ's teachings, for Jesus would readily accept them, why can't we? I was angered to hear Ryan tell us they were getting "You need to leave." when he told us about it at lunch or dinner. We are taught to love one another, God's children. He loves us all the same, nothing changes his love, yet why can't we love one another?
I challege you to:
1. Love everyone as Christ loves them regardless of the little things like stature, health and race.
1 Corinthians 12:13
2. To not judge one another, and get to know them before you can justify your judgment.
Romans 15:7, Matthew 7:1-6
3. Donate, get out there and fight for something that needs change, and don't be afraid, God will help.
2 Thessalonians 3:13
4. As far as what to do for homeless, my parents and my friends' video, is don't give them money, for they might use it for bad stuff, so buy them a meal, scarves, gloves, and other necessities. Serve at a food kitchen or donate to food kitchens and other such organizations that support the homeless. Talk to those on the street, let them know you care, and be polite. If they are unfriendly, it's ok to back off, but they will most likely still be affected positively even if they don't know it because you showed kindness. John 13:35
Don't be afraid to notice them. Just don't stare, or take pictures, very offensive. I don't look at them so I can't offend them. I also usually have money, or trust how they'd use it, nor have time to buy food, and I feel like crud. But I'm done not helping, and guilty of my thoughts.
Children of God... we are Children of God.
To close, here is an impactful verse and two videos/songs by Underoath (the only song with very little metal in there, yet still powerful) to prove this and many other powerful yet true messages.
''Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering plate box, and He saw a poor widow put in two copper coins. And He said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed from their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on."
Plus, this is really metal, but a wonderful one also is A Love So Pure.
I love you all my brothers and sisters in Christ,
God bless,
Kimberly Zerkel
Monday, November 24, 2008
I want to go,
and be with you,
to be in ultimate joy,
surrounded by love,
which radiates,
from you,
O God,
speak words of beauty,
to me,
someday I want to be at the golden gates,
in awe of You,
sweep me away,
cover me,
I pray to feel,
Your warm, loving embrace,
I want to go,
and be with you,
to be in ultimate joy,
surrounded by love,
which radiates,
from you,
O God,
speak words of beauty,
to me,
someday I want to be at the golden gates,
in awe of You,
sweep me away,
cover me,
I pray to feel,
Your warm, loving embrace,
Monday, November 10, 2008
For a while, I felt this way, until God spoke to me, and called me "My Bella". Written either the 5th or 6th of Nov.
So broken on the inside, can't find the cure, my heart's in shambles and pieces, and they can't be fixed, no matter how hard I sow, the devil reaps my inner doubt, the darkness hidden in the deep,
God loosen these shackles, chained so tight, I'm a prisoner in my own mind, I need to be free, set me free, (set me free)
people don't see, even if they hear, the battle inside, they can't imagine, and they give me a small does of hope, but still doubt shadows and clouds, if only I could fight it, and find the cure, I'm on my knees (on my knees),
God loosen these shackles, chained so tight, I'm a prisoner in my own mind, I need to be free, set me free, (set me free)
I can't find myself, for I am lost in the dark, it's become my friend, I need a light, a sense of renewal, so I can find my way, find the truth, and myself amidst this, the better side
God loosen these shackles, chained so tight, I'm a prisoner in my own mind, I need to be set free, set me free, (set me free)
God I look to you now,
Lord set me free, (set me free)!
So broken on the inside, can't find the cure, my heart's in shambles and pieces, and they can't be fixed, no matter how hard I sow, the devil reaps my inner doubt, the darkness hidden in the deep,
God loosen these shackles, chained so tight, I'm a prisoner in my own mind, I need to be free, set me free, (set me free)
people don't see, even if they hear, the battle inside, they can't imagine, and they give me a small does of hope, but still doubt shadows and clouds, if only I could fight it, and find the cure, I'm on my knees (on my knees),
God loosen these shackles, chained so tight, I'm a prisoner in my own mind, I need to be free, set me free, (set me free)
I can't find myself, for I am lost in the dark, it's become my friend, I need a light, a sense of renewal, so I can find my way, find the truth, and myself amidst this, the better side
God loosen these shackles, chained so tight, I'm a prisoner in my own mind, I need to be set free, set me free, (set me free)
God I look to you now,
Lord set me free, (set me free)!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Last Stand
V1: I'm just a girl, dreaming of a better world, call me a dreamer or what you will, I can't win the fight, but I'll never stop trying.
Chorus: I can't fight the tide, don't state the obvious, but I can't stand by and watch the world turn, the devil laughs at me, but I refuse to stand down, however I'll try until my last breath, it's my last stand.
V2: They say girls are weak, I can't change the world, I refuse the abuse, go ahead and laugh, though it hurts, I'll find myself through God.
V3: True I have faults, I am one among many, in God's eyes, I was made to challenge the wrongs..
Repeat first verse
Chorus: I can't fight the tide, don't state the obvious, but I can't stand by and watch the world turn, the devil laughs at me, but I refuse to stand down, however I'll try until my last breath, it's my last stand.
V2: They say girls are weak, I can't change the world, I refuse the abuse, go ahead and laugh, though it hurts, I'll find myself through God.
V3: True I have faults, I am one among many, in God's eyes, I was made to challenge the wrongs..
Repeat first verse
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
September crazyness!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Love this song!!
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free.
Blackbird fly blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night.
Blackbird fly blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free.
Blackbird fly blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night.
Blackbird fly blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Birthday Bash!
On Friday, my RA and I were heading to our "one-on-one" and she kept stalling, and I had work soon, and the girls on my floor surprised me with pizza, cake, necklace, rose and cards, loved it! They even shortened my work shift from 5:30-8 to 6-8!
Hugging my fav representation of fav animal wolf, but the last one had died! =(
Looking for my prince charming!
Friday, September 5, 2008
My friend Steve (edited, origional v2 short verses)
v1: When I was blue, he made me smile with goofy faces, welcomed me with a friendly hug, told me I can be myself around him, he never is serious in a picture, and he is a dork, but a sweet one,
Chorus: My friend Steve, no one else like him, and a great friend, he talks to Jesus like a close friend, he makes me laugh with silly antics, few men have have been as kind as he, I hope I'll always be friends with, my friend.
V2: We watch movies together, joking around, and he never ceases to amuse me, for he's just if not more crazier than me, and we are two crazy peas in a pod!
V3: God has blessed me, with a awesome friend, may I sing this song and never tire, because he has Jesus in his words, his smile, and his goofy grin,
My good bud Steve
Saturday, August 9, 2008
In the name of...
You laugh at me,
thinking I'm a silly girl,
you try to take me down,
but I'll fight,
fight in the name of being a girl,
You laugh at my faith,
saying it's not real,
the voice I hear,
He is my creator,
but if He wills
but I'll fight,
I'll fight in the name of God and Christ,
Boys laugh at me,
thinking I'm not good enough,
I'll never win their love,
but love for them is gone,
for I shall find him someday,
and if he needs me,
I'll fight,
I'll fight in the name of love,
The past reminds me,
of how I've wronged,
making me forget,
trying to bring me down,
in the name of Satan,
but I'll fight,
I'll fight the past and help my future,
because I will not let these things,
stop me from who I am meant to be,
but use them for a better person,
I'll fight,
I'll fight in the name of,
the past, a better future, love, for being a girl, and for God.
thinking I'm a silly girl,
you try to take me down,
but I'll fight,
fight in the name of being a girl,
You laugh at my faith,
saying it's not real,
the voice I hear,
He is my creator,
but if He wills
but I'll fight,
I'll fight in the name of God and Christ,
Boys laugh at me,
thinking I'm not good enough,
I'll never win their love,
but love for them is gone,
for I shall find him someday,
and if he needs me,
I'll fight,
I'll fight in the name of love,
The past reminds me,
of how I've wronged,
making me forget,
trying to bring me down,
in the name of Satan,
but I'll fight,
I'll fight the past and help my future,
because I will not let these things,
stop me from who I am meant to be,
but use them for a better person,
I'll fight,
I'll fight in the name of,
the past, a better future, love, for being a girl, and for God.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Things I have done this summer
(Not in order)
*Went on vacation with mom's side of the family and mine, plus Grandma's best friend, a Cruise of the Hawaiian islands.
*Jury Duty, first day got excused, second I was a juror for a DUI case.
*Went to two concerts, first Casting Crowns/Mercy Me and second Brooks and Dunn.
*Saw Wall-E, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom skulls, Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Get Smart, and Iron Man.
*Went to my Alma matter's (aka North Medford High School)'s spring musical "Fiddler on the Roof".
*Went to North's last band concert of the year to see my good friends who were graduating play and check up on my ol' band!!
* I was a camp counselor for two weeks for our Methodist church Camps Camp Latgawa named after the Indians who once lived there.
*Did a children's message for dad's lay service (He's the lay leader at our church)
*Went to a band full of my friends' concert, they are Furthermore!
* Went to our beach house is Brookings for the Fourth! However, we couldn't see the fireworks over the water, it was too dark.
*Went to San Fran to pick up a former Belgium exchange student.
*Heather visited me three weeks after school ended and we went to Red Robin and had fun in Circuit City. And the second to last week b4 school she visited.
*Went to Jackson county fair, saw a bit of cow auction (we buy one every yr.) and walked around and saw friends.
*Went to the movie in the park Saturday the 2th of August with dad's two PT students Andrea and Karen, "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" "Bueller...Bueller...Bueller.."
*Had a minor oral surgery because my gums recessed too low on one part.
*Taking care of kitties our female cat Cali had while I was at camp, we didn't know she was pregnant again when we got her! They are adorable.
*Got my hair colored!
*Went to the Oregon Shakespheare festival with my sister Kristin and Matt to see a "Western" version of "Comedy of Errors" and loved it! Another to add to my favorites!
*Went on vacation with mom's side of the family and mine, plus Grandma's best friend, a Cruise of the Hawaiian islands.
*Jury Duty, first day got excused, second I was a juror for a DUI case.
*Went to two concerts, first Casting Crowns/Mercy Me and second Brooks and Dunn.
*Saw Wall-E, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom skulls, Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Get Smart, and Iron Man.
*Went to my Alma matter's (aka North Medford High School)'s spring musical "Fiddler on the Roof".
*Went to North's last band concert of the year to see my good friends who were graduating play and check up on my ol' band!!
* I was a camp counselor for two weeks for our Methodist church Camps Camp Latgawa named after the Indians who once lived there.
*Did a children's message for dad's lay service (He's the lay leader at our church)
*Went to a band full of my friends' concert, they are Furthermore!
* Went to our beach house is Brookings for the Fourth! However, we couldn't see the fireworks over the water, it was too dark.
*Went to San Fran to pick up a former Belgium exchange student.
*Heather visited me three weeks after school ended and we went to Red Robin and had fun in Circuit City. And the second to last week b4 school she visited.
*Went to Jackson county fair, saw a bit of cow auction (we buy one every yr.) and walked around and saw friends.
*Went to the movie in the park Saturday the 2th of August with dad's two PT students Andrea and Karen, "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" "Bueller...Bueller...Bueller.."
*Had a minor oral surgery because my gums recessed too low on one part.
*Taking care of kitties our female cat Cali had while I was at camp, we didn't know she was pregnant again when we got her! They are adorable.
*Got my hair colored!
*Went to the Oregon Shakespheare festival with my sister Kristin and Matt to see a "Western" version of "Comedy of Errors" and loved it! Another to add to my favorites!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Camp Latgawa Week 2- Elem. school (3-5) "Imagine it"
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Camp Latgawa Week 1- Middle school (6-8) "Discover it"
What I call "Cavemen tetherball" aka Hannah and Michelle beating the tetherball and grunting.
Friday, August 1, 2008
My Aladdin, (where)
v1: I watched the old shows, and the movies too, something about their love, draws me to it, cause even though it's fiction, he's the personality I like, at least most of it, he stole her heart, he sang sweet songs to her,
Chorus: I want to find my Aladdin, 'cause I am like Jasmine, a girl who's trapped, and wants to marry for love, his winning smile, his winning heart, someone to show me, the beauty of God's world, who makes my heart want to fly, where's my Aladdin.
v2: He sees her outer beauty, but the inside too, he loves her, no matter what she's going through, if only I could find it, and not live alone forever, to sing a duet with him, I'd give my heart to him,
v3: Why must reality rule, where is the fairytales, why can't I have a miracle? Cause this world is cruel, but they make it through.
(Aladdin and Jasmine are property of Disney, and this song is in honor of it)
Chorus: I want to find my Aladdin, 'cause I am like Jasmine, a girl who's trapped, and wants to marry for love, his winning smile, his winning heart, someone to show me, the beauty of God's world, who makes my heart want to fly, where's my Aladdin.
v2: He sees her outer beauty, but the inside too, he loves her, no matter what she's going through, if only I could find it, and not live alone forever, to sing a duet with him, I'd give my heart to him,
v3: Why must reality rule, where is the fairytales, why can't I have a miracle? Cause this world is cruel, but they make it through.
(Aladdin and Jasmine are property of Disney, and this song is in honor of it)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
My wounded heart,
is broken again,
I take the pieces,
and try to pull them together again,
but they won't stay,
I'm done trying,
because I wanted to tell you,
but I couldn't,
Again and again,
I see the windows of my past,
the scars of that past,
they are reminded,
What joy I could have,
but lost again,
I'm hiding,
once again,
to never,
feel again,
the loneliness is still there,
I can see myself,
the past,
and all of their scars.
is broken again,
I take the pieces,
and try to pull them together again,
but they won't stay,
I'm done trying,
because I wanted to tell you,
but I couldn't,
Again and again,
I see the windows of my past,
the scars of that past,
they are reminded,
What joy I could have,
but lost again,
I'm hiding,
once again,
to never,
feel again,
the loneliness is still there,
I can see myself,
the past,
and all of their scars.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Summer account number zwei
*Hawaii was amazing!
*I miss my Fox family...and can't wait until September to see them!
*I am still jobless and might work for my parents (not very excited)
*I'm going to be a counselor at my church camp Camp Lagawha for a week for the middleschoolers, and applying to be a CIT for my old diabetes camp, Gales Creek Camp, where counselors get cool nicknames and kids will be hard-pressed to find out your real name, (if I get it, I'm going for Tiki).
*Going to San Fran next week with some of the family to pick up our old Belgian exchange student Alex, can't wait to see her.
*Going to our Brookings beach house for fourth of July, fireworks over the ocean, gorgeous!! There will be more than ten of us going, friends and family! Should be interesting!
*I'll be twenty in less than four months, (aka Sept. 13th)!
*Last Sunday, my dad is the lay leader for our church, did his lay service last Sunday, and I did the children's message!
*I miss my Fox family...and can't wait until September to see them!
*I am still jobless and might work for my parents (not very excited)
*I'm going to be a counselor at my church camp Camp Lagawha for a week for the middleschoolers, and applying to be a CIT for my old diabetes camp, Gales Creek Camp, where counselors get cool nicknames and kids will be hard-pressed to find out your real name, (if I get it, I'm going for Tiki).
*Going to San Fran next week with some of the family to pick up our old Belgian exchange student Alex, can't wait to see her.
*Going to our Brookings beach house for fourth of July, fireworks over the ocean, gorgeous!! There will be more than ten of us going, friends and family! Should be interesting!
*I'll be twenty in less than four months, (aka Sept. 13th)!
*Last Sunday, my dad is the lay leader for our church, did his lay service last Sunday, and I did the children's message!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Some of my pics from Hawaii!
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