-Watch how much I spend.
-Focus on God until He sees fit to put a man in my life.
- Think before saying/doing.
- To find work for the summer and make a decent amount.
-Study more, play less.
- Make some new friends, particularly girls when my roommate is not around, and keep the old for a long time!
- Continually show my friends/family what blessings they show me.
-Praise God for everything, even amidst the worse of times, tragicomic hope.
- Be a women of action, and help others that need help in many different ways.
- Be a good employee, daughter, sister, friend, student, roommate, child/sister of God and everything God wants me to be.
-Straight As.
-Exercise more, eat less, healthier.
-Publish a few poems.
-Improve my singing.
-Take care of diabetes, etc.
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