Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fork in the road analogy

Imagine: You’re on a path of your life, and reach a fork in the road. On the left, the path of sadness, pain, hurt, anger, shame, and on the right, the path of redemption, love, compassion, and hope. Ashamed at your past, sins and hurt, or ones you’re creating, you are so tempted to go down the left path. You feel you are not worthy, and start to head down that path, feeling it is you, your mistakes consume. God is sadden at your choice, and tries hard to gently lead you to the other path. He speaks, strong and gentle of voice, saying, “My child, nothing you do will lessen or strengthen my love for you, come to Me.”
But, so unworthy we feel, so we ignore it, still believing He loves us, but not worthy of it. While we sin and aren’t the best, God sent Jesus down to clean us, because He loved us enough. He is at the end of the right path, arms open, smiling wide, full of pride and happiness in His loving eyes, saying, “You have pleased Me My child.” Running to Him, He embraces you, and His love surrounds.
My friends, family, loved ones, never forget, God’s Hesed, Hebrew for steadfast love for you, and the right path, tread it, for God wants you to come to Him, even through shame, anger, tragedy, and feelings of worthlessness. I know you all will go to heaven, because His love is beyond our comprehension, but He loves us equally.

God bless,

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