Friday, April 15, 2011

Thankful for 4/10-4/15/11

*Blazers game
*Good food
*Getting my dress in the mail before the final
*The card mom sent
*Getting to help with a friend's birthday surprise
*Hot bubble baths
*Tyler Rhys Robertson, Karisa, Inge, Kris, Erin D. and my other amazing friends
*Poetry and spoken word
*Writing snail mail
*Art, doing it and viewing it
*Gina, Ari and Beth's art show (I don't know Beth)
*Kiwanos (a horned melon, look it up)
*Good game of ultimate frisbee
*Having one class canceled every day (well Thurs. we didn't have class but we met with our Prof Matt for final scripts)
*Matt liking my idea, and giving good suggestions
*Scotty visiting!!!
*Getting another personal wedding invite to Brianna Houck's wedding (A friend from HS)

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